Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where have I been lately??

Gosh, this week just flew away!!  Monday, I left bright and early to drive an hour away to watch my daughter play tennis in sub-sectionals! Got there nice and early, only to find out that she was number 32 to play!  Which means, with 10 courts, that was going to be about 3 hours wait! 

Oh well, I brought a good book, and also got to run to a department store and pick up DH birthday present! The weather was PERFECT!! So all in all what a wonderful way to spend a day! Plus... she won! Off to subsectionals, which brings us to Wednesday....

Tuesday, however I spent catching up around the house and then driving two hours away to stay in a hotel with her and DH for her match on Wednesday! 

Although the weather Wednesday was again, PERFECT... unfortunately, she lost! So, not state showing for her! And, she is a senior this year, so that is essentially the end of high school sports for me! :-(

Wow, how quickly they grow up! 

I will try and catch up with my postings today and tomorrow....

Happy Thursday!

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